The days are getting shorter, the temperature is dropping, and we are into the -BER months (SeptemBER, OctoBER, NovemBER, DecemBER)... also BRRRRR. Although, I do love to be able to wear a cozy sweatshirt. We haven't quite made it to Halloween, yet, but Christmas is already on my mind... is it on yours too?
We are trying to be more intentional with our gifting this year, so we are going to try for the 4 gift system - something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to READ!! If this is on your Christmas list this year, I would love to help you with the reading part! Take a look at our Seasons Reading flyer for some easy ideas HERE !

As always, if you would like some personalized recommendations, don't hesitate to ask!
Happy Reading!