As we are already headed back to school, or going soon, I wanted to spend a little time with my 3 year old talking about kindness.
He will be entering preschool in a few weeks after being home with me for his whole life. With the pandemic, we didn't do as many social things as I did when my daughter was young. I am taking extra care to make sure that he learns how to be kind to others, kind to himself, and kind to the earth.
These books are a great starting point for having some of those conversations. Take a peek and see if they would be helpful for your family!

In I'm (Almost) Always Kind Being kind is super important, but it isn't always easy. Using a good-hearted, enthusiastic little boy's perspective, a lot of sensitivity, and a little gentle humor, this story explores the potential pitfalls of trying to be kind and what being kind really means. To be truly kind, it turns out, you have to try to look at things from other people's points of view. Gorgeous laser cut holes emphasize the meaning and the feelings of the characters, accumulating as the pages are turned to show how kindness can spread from person to person until all the world is full of kindness!

Kindness comes from our Series: Big Words for Little People
Each book in this series creates a special moment to focus on feelings and discover the words and phrases needed to talk about them. All the words are carefully chosen, and with 10 sharing tips at the back of each book, as well as a glossary, offer easy opportunities to talk about first experiences and new emotions.

Lift the Flap First Questions and Answers: How Can I Be Kind. This thoughtful book explores how to be kind and why kindness is so important. A range of questions help children and their grown-ups to think, and talk, about being kind to others and ourselves, as well as nature and our planet. Beautiful illustrations by Christine Pym help young children to understand big concepts by setting them in a world of friendly bugs. Plenty to talk about and be inspired by!
Happy Reading!